About Us

“What do you mean there isn’t a place where shirts gather together? I’m just trying to look for shirts that are similar to each other, without having to deal with the headache of navigating the confusing mish-mash of websites and brands out there. Is it so much to ask for? And why do so many companies out there feel the need to develop pompous and soulless language to describe their products? I’m just after a shirt – I want it to fit, look good and represent who I am at work and home!”

Sound familiar? It’s frustrating trying to keep up with fashion trends enough, without having to learn the pretentious lingo, not to mention the wealth of rules (and abundance of brands) out there. When did something as simple as a shirt become so complex? As if our modern lives weren’t complicated enough. 

United Shirts seek to make your lives easier. We’re humans like you are, so we understand the confusion and anxiety we all suffer when we try and muddle through the pomposity and alien world that shirts have become. Because we understand that brands sometimes tend to speak down to us from some elevated platform (who put them up there anyway?), we want to put the shirt industry back into the hands of you, the people.

We won’t be dumbing anything down at all – there is still some pride to be taken in knowing the odds and ends of one’s appearance after all. We will simply be making everything more accessible for the everyday man and woman, who are too busy to try and keep up with everything or too stressed to try and find all the options available to them in regards to their shirt choices.


No more snobbery. No more alien terms. Just the shirts you want. Look sharp, ladies and gentlemen!